Sorare Scoring Metrics | How Does it Really Work?
Posted 1st May 2021

With a huge part of Sorare’s appeal coming from its rewarding tournaments, it’s crucial for you to know how players score points. In this article I am going to walk you through how players' scores are totalled up and what to look out for when you’re watching your players perform on the pitch.
The first and simplest point to make is that a player can score a maximum of 100 points (before any XP bonus is applied).
A player’s score in a matchday is calculated by their decisive score + their all-around score. If a players all-around score is negative, it will count as ‘0’ in the calculation.
NOTE: We have an updated version of this post
Decisive score
So let’s start with the decisive score. This is based on a player’s major actions during a game that have a direct impact on the outcome of the match.
These actions will be very noticeable to the eye if you are watching the game and you should have a good idea on if your players decisive score will be positive or not based on what you see.
Things that will have a positive effect on this score will be:
- a goal scored
- an assist made
- a penalty won
- a clearance off the line to deny a goal
- a last man tackle
- a clean sheet and a penalty save (for goalkeepers only)
Things that will have a negative effect on the decisive score will be if your player:
- receives a red card
- scores an own goal
- concedes a penalty
- makes an error that leads to a goal
- if they concede 3 or more goals in the match (for goalkeepers only)
So what do all these actions equate to in terms of points? The table below helps to highlight how this works. Your player will start at 35 points (level 0) or 25 points if they are a substitute. Every time your player performs one of the positive tasks mentioned above, they will move up to the next level and their points will increase. Equally, if they perform a negative task, they move down a level and so do their points.
Let’s look at some examples. Your player starts the game and begins on level 0, he makes an error leading to a goal and later gets sent off. He didn’t contribute any decisive positive actions, but they can’t score lower than level -1. So your player’s decisive score will finish on 15 points (level -1).
Another example is your player starts, gets two assists, wins a penalty and makes an error leading to a goal. Your player would finish on level 2 (70 points) because of moving up three levels from the three positive actions and back down one for the error leading to the goal.
All-around score
This is trickier to follow whilst watching the game. It is formulated from an accumulation of less serious actions that your player makes during the game.
For example, an error leading to a goal contributes to your decisive score, but an error leading to just a shot (not a goal) would negatively impact your all-round score, but wouldn’t affect your decisive score.
There are a huge amount of actions that contribute to your players all-around score, the full table can be found here.
The amount of points added or deducted from this score can be dependent on your players position. For example, if a defender or midfielder wins a tackle, it will add 3 points to their all-round score, but for a forward, winning a tackle would not impact their score at all.
The same goes for actions that negatively affect a players score. For example, every time a goalkeeper losses possession they will lose -0.3 points. Defenders and forwards will lose -0.1 points but a midfielder would lose 0.5 points.
This makes sense given the importance of retaining possession in different areas of the pitch. Midfielders are expected to help their team keep the ball, whereas forwards and defenders take more risks with take ons and longer passes, so their score is punished less when losing possession.
So, as a reminder, your players total score (maximum of 100) will be a sum of their decisive score and all-around score.
XP Bonus
But a player can still score above 100 in a tournament for you if they have an XP bonus.
For example, if your player performs brilliantly and their decisive score + all-around score reaches the 100 limit and you have a 7% boost on the card, they will score 107pts towards your tournament total.
The XP boost is determined by three types of bonuses.
- Captain boost: depending on the tournament type and scarcity of the cad, you may have the option to apply a 20% XP captain bonus boost.
- Current season boost: cards from the current season will be given a 5% XP bonus.
- Level bonus: depends on the XP your card has gained and its scarcity.
The XP boost and current level of a card can be viewed by clicking on the card.
It is worth noting that if your player is featuring in two games during the same Game Week, only their score in the first fixture will count.
Wondering how cards you are eyeing up on the market perform in terms of their scores?
Click on any players card on Sorare and you will see their average score across their last five games. For a deeper look at a player’s historic scores, you can visit Sorare Data.
By looking around at different players’ scores you’ll be able to start to assess where the value is in the market and how you can take advantage of it.
Depending on your strategy for your collection and tournament entries, you may be looking for players who consistently score above a certain threshold. Alternatively you could take a higher risk, higher reward approach, selecting players who have the potential to score very highly one week but the next they may perform poorly.
High peak scores will give you the chance to move ahead of the competition, but more consistent totals give you more reliability and chance to be in and around the prizes each week.
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